Tarot can be an incredible ally to deepen self-compassion and learn to love and understand yourself. It's an invaluable compass allowing us to see outside of our personal lens with compassion and accountability for our process.

An often misunderstood tool, a tarot deck is a simply a series of archetypes that we all move through as humans.  It allows us to discover and understand the cycles of growth we are experiencing so we can surrender to the process and trust our journey.  When used with intention, tarot is a tool for transformation on all levels.

Leaders throughout time have used divination systems like tarot to guide big decisions, review the risks and rewards of their actions, and evolve through their shadows.

Eliza’s style of tarot reading does not focus on “future forecasting” or “fortune telling.” Instead, we read the energy of what is present now which helps you understand what life is asking of you now so you can move forward with ease and grace.

We can cater your reading toward questions you have specifically. Many people want to clarify their focus around career, home, living situation, relationships, travel, etc. We are able to do this in the present tense by asking “what energy is present around X, Y, or Z options.”

Many people choose to do a more general reading which I like to call a “GPS” zooming out on you life like one would on Google Maps to gain some clarity around what you’re navigating, where you’ve been, and how to best support yourself with my signature “Greater Perspective System.”

I also teach Tarot Courses throughout the year, so be sure to sign up for our mailing list if you’d like to be part of our in-person community trainings.

Tarot readings are available in person or virtually